Cannons Creek hosts ‘Teach Your Parent to Code’ workshop

Cannons Creek hosts ‘Teach Your Parent to Code’ workshop

We were so pleased to recently host our first ‘Teach Your Parent to Code’ workshop for the Intersen Phase parents and pupils. It was well attended, and enjoyed by all, with some insight given into the classroom. Mrs Nivison outlined how the Coding curriculum is being developed at Cannons Creek, consisting of a journey from…

Pupils participate in Hackathon

Pupils participate in Hackathon

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is changing the way we work, play and interact with each other. Cannons Creek Independent School recently hosted local EdTech startup company, Mindjoy. Grade 6-9 pupils were fortunate enough to be afforded the opportunity to participate in the “Get Creative with Artificial Intelligence (AI)” Hackathon. We interact with AI every day in…

Grade 9s explore conditional statements

Grade 9s explore conditional statements

The Grade 9s have been exploring the foundational concepts of Computer Programming. This week, we explored conditional statements which allows us to manipulate a programme so that the computer responds to changing conditions. They wrote algorithms, using the Microsoft software ‘MakeCode’, to programme their microbit to conduct three different scenarios – 1. Choose a random…