On Monday 13 January, our staff began the year with some professional development. Dr Darren Green addressed the staff on ‘Redefining wellness in the millennial era… More than just survival’.
Green opened his address with the notion that education is normally only associated with intellectual education but it is also social, emotional, and spiritual education.
He encouraged staff to be aware of their blind spots, and to engage in ‘change biography’ diaries so that they might grow through their experiences. He stressed the importance of work-life integration rather than work-life balance so that the moments of pleasure, reflection, and rejuvenation don’t only occur on weekends. He also added that wellness is a journey, and that it should be seen as an integrated model since emotional and physical health affect overall health. Green warned everybody to show loved ones that they are a priority, through tactics such as boundary-setting, comprising, and honest conversations.
Green pointed out that recent research of five to twelve-year-old children has shown that they struggle with communication – especially how to read a room, and how to decipher non-verbal cues. Green informed staff about sensory profiling where they need to be conscious of sensitivities.
Green spoke of the three Fs – Focus, Friends and family, and Facts vs Feelings; and encouraged staff to base their thoughts and actions on this.
“Take ownership of yourself, your mental health, and your habits. Don’t underestimate the small changes.”
Click here to read more about our recent talk hosted by Naomi Holdt. Click here to read more about our recent talk hosted by Emma Sadleir.