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Primary School

The concept of an intimate school with small classes, where children could experience the fun side of education whilst still doing the syllabus with lateral teaching, came into being with the founding of Cannons Creek...


Our teachers have been carefully selected to ensure that they would teach using the ethos of the school –encouraging and fostering each child’s potential and strength, and respecting each child’s individuality.

As much as possible, education has to be taught using hands-on experiences, which children remember more readily. Formal teaching then follows and pupils learn various studying methods ending in tests and examinations.

I am proud to say that we have managed this with teachers being given the freedom to teach, using all sorts of tools and methodologies resulting in the children having fun. The emphasis is placed on praising pupils’ work and effort, rather than concentrating on weaknesses. The concept of responsibility is encouraged.

The concept was to take the ‘fear’ out of being educated and to put “fun” back into the classroom.

Respect for each other has been a focal point and this has worked well with each pupil learning how to fit in, not only with the classroom work ethic, but also being taught to manage their time well in preparation for entering High School and later, the business world.

The other value that Cannons Creek has embraced is that of honesty, and we are proud to say that our history reflects that this can be taught. We have also embraced all the aspects of what makes a rounded child therefore we have included Academics, as well as Arts and Sports in the educational process.

Quite simply, our pupils are proof that we have all the necessary ingredients: in that not only have they achieved here at Cannons Creek, but once they have completed their school career with us, they have been very successful later in life.

Click here to view highlights from 2024.

Mrs Tracy Wahl (Principal)


At Cannons Creek Primary we offer a rounded and relevant academic programme, which progresses from the Pre-Primary Phase through to the Intermediate Phase. English, Afrikaans and Mathematics are our core subjects and we pride ourselves in cementing a strong foundation on which our pupils can build as they advance through the higher grades.

isiXhosa is taught to Grade 1 - 6 pupils once a week for 30 minutes. Grade 1 to Grade 3 students are taught the culture, tradition, music, different click sounds, and famous South African people, following the different themes covered in Afrikaans. Grade 4 - 6 pupils follow an isiXhosa workbook, further developing their conversational isiXhosa.

IBL (Inquiry-Based Learning) for Grades 3 - 6, and PBL (Project-Based Learning) for Grades 1 - 2 are increasingly becoming more exciting ways of learning and teaching. This collaboration across subjects (Natural Science, Geography, History and Life Orientation) allows for deeper thinking and/or understanding. Pupils learn all kinds of wonderful skills such as critical thinking, peer-teaching, and research techniques; and focus on real-world application.

This new way of teaching promotes a growth mindset and is child-centred, meaning that pupils learn from their mistakes and can proceed at their own pace.

Creative Arts and Physical Education provide healthy and creative ways for the pupils to express themselves. Computer Literacy is presented in various ways to ensure that our children are on track to be responsible participants in the digital world in which they live. Life skills are woven throughout the curriculum and the emotional well-being of every pupil is important.

Please click here to read more about IBL.

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Foundation Phase: Grades 1-3

In this phase the emphasis is on:

  • Giving pupils a good foundation in Reading, Writing and Mathematics.
  • It is endeavoured to impart self-confidence and independence to the pupils, as well as a sense of responsibility. This is brought about through a balanced approach to both academics and sport, as well as through social interactions.
  • The teachers also attempt to instil good manners and respect for others in the pupils.
  • Inquiry-Based Learning (IBL) (Grade 3).
  • isiXhosa (Grades 1 to 3 - conversational).
  • Technology (iPads and computer laboratory integrated online).
  • Community awareness through regular outreach initiatives.

Intermediate Phase: Grades 4-6

In this phase we build on the good foundation laid in the Foundation Phase years by encouraging greater independence and responsibility. Research skills are honed and co-operative, relevant learning takes place within groups; learning is also taken out of the classroom through outings to pertinent places. Teachers strive to make learning a fun-filled activity. Classes have interactive TVs and access to laptop computers in the Computer Laboratory. iPads are integrated into the curriculum.

The subjects that are offered in this phase are:

  • English
  • Afrikaans
  • Inquiry-Based Learning (IBL) for Natural Science,
  • Technology and Social Sciences
  • isiXhosa
  • Life skills: Personal and Social well-being; Creative Arts (Art, Music and Drama); Physical Education
  • Mathematics
  • Computer Technology - Technology integrated into classwork either in the Computer Laboratory or through iPad use in classrooms.
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The Intermediate Phase attends an annual camp. The emphasis for the Grade 4s and 5s is on bonding, having fun and supporting one another. The Grade 6s have leadership activities and are inspired to develop these skills as they prepare to enter High School.



*Please note that some of these Extracurriculars are at an extra cost.


Cannons Creek outreach is about sharing, contributing and helping others improve their quality of life. This being individuals, families and communities.


Our team encourages younger generations to give back to the community and to others less fortunate, by donating their unwanted items to less privileged communities.

Cannons cares and our primary focus in Outreach is giving. This we cannot do without the generosity of our parents, teachers and children. With everyone's wonderful support, we have brought so much joy, many smiles and much happiness to the countless individuals and communities. Thank you to the wonderful parents for always supporting the outreach team and their efforts.

Some of the organisations that we have supported are: New Beginnings, Little Footprints Educare, Salvation Army Manenberg, Sunshine Corner Educare Centre, Edu-tots Educare in Garden Village.

Each week the boys and girls and members meet to volunteer their time and skills. It takes a team, and together we can make the change.



Teaching and learning in the Primary School is enriched through the use of a variety of technology. All classes have access to the school’s Ipad bank for curriculum integration and weekly computer lessons in the Primary School’s computer room allow pupils to hone their computing skills and digital competencies.

Pupils are introduced to touch typing, learn how to conduct proper web-based research and navigate new software and applications for content creation. From Grade 1 onwards, the Primary School pupils are introduced to the school’s Google for Education suite of applications and learn how to work within a cloud-based environment.

The coding curriculum continues to evolve in the Primary School. Our Foundation Phase pupils learn how to work with block based coding programmes to build and run simple algorithms. This is then built on in the Intermediate Phase with the introduction of the Code4Kids scheme of work, where pupils learn how to build websites and control virtual robots using HTML, JavaScript and CSS coding languages.

In the later primary years, digital citizenship becomes a key focus as pupils learn how to be digitally responsible and manage themselves online in preparation for having their own personal Chromebook device in Grade 6.
