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Learn2Lead programme – a success!

This year saw the introduction of a leadership programme in Grade 5, called LEARN2LEAD (L2L). The need arose for the Grade 5 pupils to experience leadership opportunities in preparation for their role in the Cool2Care groups. The programme is based on the President’s Award for youth empowerment. There are four components which comprise this programme – 20 hours of service, alongside learning a new skill, embarking upon an adventurous journey, a sports challenge, and organising an event. Teacher Co-ordinator, Mrs Kim Storey commented “L2L has been a great opportunity for pupils to explore new experiences and challenges. Many pupils found new ways of connecting with their community as well as exploring new areas of growth and learning. A brilliant experience for most of them!”

The aim of the programme is:

  • To encourage the development of leadership skills by allowing individuals to take initiatives which will impact both their own lives, as well as the lives of others.
  • To live out the values of our school, through role-modelling, by being of service to members of both our school and wider communities, in a generous, open and honest manner.
  • To allow individuals to develop and grow through achievable goals.

Over the course of a year, the pupils are required to meet the following criteria in four categories:

SERVICE: 20 hours of community service. For example: Grace Clarke, Kaylee and Dannika Hendricks walking dogs at the Lucky Lucy Foundation.

SKILL: Master a new skill. For example, Emma Shepherd learnt how to play the flute.

ORGANISE AN EVENT or ACTIVITY. For example, Caitlyn Wong Ho organised a variety of activities for the Cannons Creek July Holiday programme.

PHYSICAL ACTIVITY: Take part in a once-off adventurous activity OR learn a new skill or sport OR set yourself a new goal. For example, Luc Nasson set himself a goal to complete a 360° turn on a wave, as well as a Barrel Roll. He overcame his fear of big waves while bodyboarding.

Grade 5 reflections:

“I loved having to test my body and mind. I felt exhilarated by helping others.” – Alex Kent

“I loved the fact that we could do it with a friend. Feeling proud of my progress related to being organised.” – Grace Clarke

“I will never forget making sandwiches with all my friends and jamming to music.” – Kelsey Ingram   

“I really enjoyed going to the Lucky Lucy Foundation. I also learned the Harmonica. One more thing I liked was that the programme pushed you to do things that may be out of your comfort zone.” – Solana Mohr

“I enjoyed giving out food to the homeless because it made my heart warm and going to a soup kitchen with a group of friends. I also enjoyed up Lion’s Hill with my friends for a clean-up.” – Jesse Hughes

“I love being able to help people and do fun things with my friends.” – Lene Middleton