On Thursday 16 February, some of our senior pupils were privileged to listen to Isobel Dixon, published poet and Director of Blake Friedmann Literary Agency in London. She shared her poetry and discussed it with the audience. Questions were asked and interesting interaction occurred. It is not often that pupils are able to hear from a poet and have the opportunity to interact, so this was an event to be treasured. Read below for Grade 10 pupil Chloe McComb’s account of the event.
Isobel Dixon came to speak to Cannons Creek Independent High School on Thursday the 16th of February and her visit was truly awe-inspiring. Everyone listened enraptured as she shared many of her beautifully written poems which came to life as she spoke. Her poems spoke of special memories and cherished moments such as her life growing up in the Karoo and her experience moving to England in her later life. Her carefully crafted sentences and intricate descriptions formed the lines of beautifully written poetry that really left us all feeling moved and inspired to write our own poetry. My family also has roots in the Karoo and so her poems about her life there touched my heart with joy and special personal memories. It was a very enriching time.
Isobel Dixon also shared her experience on her life as a literary agent. She told us about how much she enjoys helping foster the talent in young writers and guiding other aspiring authors. She also told us that struggling with spelling or grammar doesn’t mean you can’t be a writer and that creativity can be found in everyone. She encouraged us to keep two books with us wherever we go, one for reading and one for recording notes whenever inspiration captures us in our day-to-day lives. These words definitely motivated us all and left us feeling inspired.
Three Grade 10 pupils at the school commented on her visit. “The poetry itself was interesting. It was eye-opening to find ways to inspire poetry and writing and to receive advice about and understand the process of writing, as well as the way that the smallest ideas can create an excellent poem” said Ciaran Steenveld.
“It was an incredibly informative and enjoyable time. She spoke with such experience and integrity and it was an honour to have her read her own poetry” said Molly de Witt.
“I thoroughly enjoyed every single poem recited by Isobel Dixon. She spoke with such clarity and eloquence. I aspire to achieve her level of excellence and ability to engage an audience, especially a large group of exhausted teenagers” said Reese Rumble.
Overall, Isobel Dixon left us feeling awe-struck by the beauty of her poems and motivated to continue with our own writing journeys. We all really appreciate her coming to visit.