High School Academics
Academically, Cannons Creek is the leading small school in the province and continuously strives for excellence by nurturing the highest academic standards. Alongside several top schools in Cape Town, we write the NSC Matric exams. Our Matric results have consistently been excellent - with a 100% pass rate achieved each year. Some of our subject marks are in the top percentile of the Cape Peninsula. Click here to view our latest Matric Results.
Grade 7-9:
In the Middle School, we are not restricted by onerous external exams during this phase, and are able to expose our pupils to a wide range of subjects with the emphasis on enrichment, rather than a narrow focus. While it is still necessary to ensure that certain academic basics are in place, this is the phase during which your child will discover his/her academic strengths and interests. This is the time when pupils’ self-confidence, self-esteem and self-understanding are enhanced and where an ease of transition from primary school to high school, from child to adult, is facilitated. During this phase, pupils are encouraged to involve themselves in as much of our extramural programme as possible.
- English, Afrikaans
- Mathematics
- Natural Sciences (Physical Sciences and Life Sciences)
- Social Sciences (Geography and History)
- Economic Management Sciences
- Creative Arts (Art, Drama, and Music)
- Life Orientation (Guidance and Physical Education)
- Computer Skills
- Conversational isiXhosa (Grade 7&8)
- STEAM - click here to read more
Grade 10-12:
In the High School, our focus is two-fold. Firstly, it is imperative that our pupils obtain the best possible matriculation results they are capable of; the world we live in demands this. To achieve this, we provide an environment where hard work and academic rigour is the norm. Highly qualified and experienced teachers will help your child attain his or her best in an orderly but relaxed and non-threatening atmosphere.
Our second focus is to develop well-rounded young people who are able to participate fully and positively in the society in which we live. Without this, our first focus, i.e. results, would be without purpose. This is achieved by offering many opportunities for young people to get involved, to have a go, to discover their strengths and weaknesses and to improve constantly on these.
Subjects offered from Grade 10 onwards
All pupils are required to do seven subjects.
Four compulsory subjects:
Two languages – English and Afrikaans
Mathematics / Mathematical Literacy
Life Orientation
Physical Sciences
Mathematical Literacy
Life Orientation
Life Sciences
Dramatic Arts