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High School launches Enrichment Programme

This week saw the launch of our Enrichment Programme in the High School.

The Enrichment Programme is aimed at providing pupils with the opportunity to explore new interests, develop important life skills, and enhance their overall educational experience beyond the formal academic curriculum. There are 21 sessions on offer; including Knitting, Poetry Slam, Flexercise, Chess, Fundamentals of Sound Engineering, Cartoon Classics, Introduction to Jungian Psychology, Creative Cupcake Toppers, and Music Appreciation.

By participating in these activities, it is hoped that the pupils will discover passions, build confidence, and develop critical thinking and collaboration skills. The programme is designed to foster personal growth for the pupils and the staff presenting the activities. It is hoped that the lessons will provide an enriching break from academic day and help “feed the soul”.

The Enrichment lessons are timetabled to take place in Lesson 5 on each Monday in Week 1. Pupils will take part in one of the activities (the same one each time) for the duration of Term 1 and 2.