[Speech as delivered by Mrs Hazelmay Duncan, Trust Member, at High School Prize-giving on 7 December].
It is my privilege and pleasure this evening to have been asked to say farewell and to thank Mrs Hedenskog as she retires after nine very successful years with us. Annemarie joined Cannons Creek in July 2014. She was looking for a new challenge, having previously been the highly successful Head of Music at Milnerton High School (and before that, at Parklands College).
Annemarie was appointed as the Director of Arts and Culture for both the Primary and High schools. Her task was to oversee, manage, ensure continuity and inspire excellence in the areas of visual arts, design, drama and music from Grade RR to Matric. This would be at subject and extra-curricular levels. When she started at Cannons these areas were still, in many ways, in their fledgling stages. Typical of Annemarie, she totally immersed herself in the challenge and evidence of her passion, knowledge, experience and skill was soon seen and heard in concerts, displays and generally everywhere in the two schools.
At the time that she joined us, we were in the process of designing our new Cultural Centre. Immediately, she made an impact with many wise, practical suggestions from which the school benefits today.
Over the years Annemarie has been involved in the production of numerous Cultural Showcases, music evenings, plays, Art and Design displays, Christmas Carol evenings and more, over and above teaching piano. The number of pupils who do Music at Cannons is well above the norm of most schools. She is an exceptional Piano teacher at extra-curricular and subject level. Her pupils
have always produced excellent results and if I am not mistaken, every one of her Matric pupils has always achieved an “A” for music in their finals.
Annamarie has also contributed at Management level where her experience and passion for her pupils has made her a huge asset. Annemarie will be missed at Cannons but her input will be felt and enjoyed for years to come. Annemarie, I hope that you will enjoy your well-earned retirement and learn to take life a little more slowly. I am quite sure that you will soon find much with which to fill your time. We sincerely thank you for all that you have done at Cannons Creek and we wish you peace and happiness in this new phase of your life.
Read more about Culture at Cannons by clicking here.