The excitement was palpable this morning – our Grade 6s were allowed to use their Chromebooks for the first time in the classroom! Our pupils are now putting into practice the skills they’ve learnt about Digital Citizenship where they need to be digitally responsible and manage themselves online. Thank you to our IT Integrator Mrs Nivison, for conducting a Chromebook 101 Workshop with our parents last night showing them some of the nuances, and sharing the perks / reasoning behind using Chromebooks in the classroom.
Some of the comments were:
“It’s better than paper. I like technology.”
“It’s easier to do your work ‘cos you can go at your own pace.”
“You don’t have to go to Coding to do Coding. Making posters is a lot easier than having to book a slot for the Computer Lab.”
“It’s easier now to see on my own device [as I sit at the back] than on the Classroom TV.”
“It’s more fun ‘cos we can decorate and personalise.””My handwriting is very bad so this makes it easier!”
“We’re not wasting as much paper, so it’s better for the environment.”
To read more about Technology at Cannons, please click here.