
Grade 6s code robots

The driving question for the Grade 6 IBL project this term is ‘How far can we explore’? The Grade 6s were tasked with programming a rover to navigate the unfamiliar terrain of a new planet. They constructed an obstacle course full of hills, dips and turns and coded their robots to successfully complete the course, documenting their success using their Chromebooks. Thank you to Mrs Nivison (IT Integrator) for her guidance and knowledge on this topic.

The driving question for the Grade 6 IBL project this term is ‘How far can we explore’? The Grade 6s were tasked with programming a rover to navigate the unfamiliar terrain of a new planet. They constructed an obstacle course full of hills, dips and turns and coded their robots to successfully complete the course, documenting their success using their Chromebooks. Thank you to Mrs Nivison (IT Integrator) for her guidance and knowledge on this topic.