On Tuesday 6 June, the Grade 5s from Cannons Creek Independent School visited the residents of Pinelands Place. Musical pieces were performed, and Eisteddfod poems were recited to the elderly residents. After the performances, the Grade 5s were given the opportunity to chat to their Penpals (established in 2022) where they showed them some of their classwork. “One of my favourite parts was seeing the smiles on their faces when people were doing their poems and we were talking to them. I truly can’t wait to do it again.” – Solana Mohr. “Our penpals told us that they always enjoy watching us grow. We will make more memories to come.” – Mia-Rae Hopley. “Although my penpal, Mrs Green, was not there, I enjoyed interacting with the other elderly people.” – Mia Mossick. This visit formed part of the school’s newly implemented ‘Learn2Lead’ programme, which is based on the President’s Award for youth empowerment. There are four components which comprise this programme – 20 hours of service, alongside learning a new skill, embarking upon an adventurous journey, a sports challenge, and organising an event.