At the end of the Academic year in 2021, the Grade 7-11 pupils embarked upon the much-anticipated Adventure Week. The Grade 7s, 8s and 9s took on a rain-swollen Breede River in CROCS, racing down the channels and having loads of fun in the process. The Grade 10s and 11s hiked in the Cederberg Mountains. The Grade 10s were in the north near the settlement of Heuningvlei where they summited the Krakadouw Peak. The Grade 11s were in the south where they tackled Sneeuberg and the Wolfberg Cracks.
Thank you to the teachers and service providers who worked hard to ensure that Adventure Week 2021 happened, even if we had to reverse itineraries at the last moment when poor weather forecasts resulted in permits being withdrawn by the Department of Cape Nature.
A special thank you, however, must go to our pupils for their excellent behaviour and positive attitude through the Adventure. We hope that Adventure Week in 2022 will once again take place in its last week of Term 1 slot.
Comments from some of our pupils:
“I am so glad I went on Adventure Week. It was an unforgettable experience and I really enjoyed spending quality time with my friends. The paddling was tiring at times but the time spent with the fun guides, amazing teachers and each other made up for it! Can’t wait for next year’s one.” – Grade 8 pupil
“I found Adventure Week exceedingly enjoyable because I got to spend time and build new relationships with some people in my school. I found new ways to do things and open my mind to new ideas. In my opinion, Adventure Week was a great way to start the Christmas holiday.” – Grade 7 pupil
“Loved spending time with my friends in the wild, and hiking up mountains, the views were stunning, the hiking was hard and it was very hot and tiring but it was worth it, after the hike it felt amazing and you felt the feeling of accomplishment. Lasting each day with six hours of sleep wasn’t easy but it was done and it was really amazing waking up early and being pushed because being up on the top of a mountain at 8:00am when most will still be sleeping, was awesome!” – Grade 10 pupil
“I thoroughly enjoyed Adventure Week. It lots of fun. I was able to spend time with my friends in a way reminiscent times predating Covid. It was a much awaited return to some resemblance of normality. The exercise was fun and occasionally a challenge but very enjoyable all together. The camping, sleeping outside and cooking part went better than expected and I returned with newfound cooking skills. The scenery was beautiful, especially the view from the summit of Krakadouw. This was, perhaps, my favourite Adventure Week so far and my sincerest thanks and congrats to those who were able to organise it despite Covid. It was a wonderful way to end off the year.” – Grade 10 pupil