Fifteen pupils from Cannons Creek Independent School, Ms Barbara Bartosch (High School Deputy Principal), and two adults recently embarked upon the multi-day Tsitsikamma Hiking Trail. In total the trail is 60km, and approximately 14km is covered each day. “It is a beautiful trail through the mountains, natural forest and plantations of the Southern Cape between the Western and Eastern Cape Provinces, beginning at Nature’s Valley and ending at the Storm’s River bridge,” commented Bartosch. Card games, Vervet Monkeys, breath-taking views, freezing swims, aching knees, and memories to last a lifetime were all part of the experience.
“The Tsitsikamma hike was such an incredible experience. The views were beautiful and it was even better considering we had a hot shower and bed each night. I enjoyed the time away so much and it was the best way to spend the long weekend.” – Hanaa Parkar, Grade 11. “With what started as a concept of an easy getaway for the weekend, was quickly awakened by the steep mountains of the Tsitsikamma Trail as every day surprised us with yet another steeper climb than the previous one. Fortunately at the end of the day we had hot showers, running water and comfortable cabins to relax and could huddle next to the fire while playing a hiking card game called Four Doors. It was definitely a memorable experience and one I am happy to do again. Thanks Ms. Bartosch.” – Alexander Botha, Grade 12. “The trail was gorgeous and the overall experience was breathtaking. It was a relieving escape from everything and it was nice to be able to bond with other students.” – Aidan Marais, Grade 11. “I really enjoyed the Tsitsikamma Hike. The scenery was very beautiful and the quality of the huts were really well made. The only mild frustration was the mud on some of the days getting very bad.” – Michael Morgan, Grade 10. “A beautiful trail that boasted breathtaking views which we were rewarded with after conquering tough climbs. Mostly cool weather and plenty of snacks guided us to the welcoming cabins that we were all grateful to see after each day’s long hike. Tstitsikamma was a great experience filled with unforgettable memories!” – Scott Wilkins, Grade 10.
Click here to read more about the Outdoor Club.