
Cannons hosts Naomi Holdt

On 5 March, Cannons Creek Independent School was incredibly fortunate to host the amazing Psychologist and Speaker, Naomi Holdt.

Naomi delivered a very engaging parent talk, outlining 11 tips and strategies to raise more resilient and independent children and teenagers. She spoke of critically important simple ideas, commenting that we need to go back to the basics. “Grit is not developed in isolation, it develops when the child feels safe enough to fall and get up.”

Naomi applauded parents who were present that they were a group of brave adults prepared to do the hard work for the betterment of the upcoming generation, adding that it is both a privilege and a responsibility.

For those who could not attend, we strongly encourage you to follow her on social media for her tidbits of advice and guidance, and to also purchase her book ‘ Bounce’! It is available at Bargain Books, Pinelands.