CC Mandela Day (1)

Cannons Creek supports Mandela Day

In recognition of Mandela Day this year, Cannons Creek Independent School got involved with a variety of projects and beneficiaries, aimed at uplifting communities. “It is in your hands,to make a better world for all who live in it.” – Nelson Mandela. Mandela Day is celebrated globally on 18 July to honour Madiba’s life work, and to change the world for the better. 

The High School (Grade 7-12) pupils collected glass jars, rice, lentils, soup mix, soup powder, and stock cubes in order to assemble 139 ‘Jars of Hope’ or ‘Wonwabe Jars’, along with 26 loaves of bread. These were donated to Stone Dragon NPO who will distribute to those in need, along with the excess ingredients and glass jars. The Primary School projects were as follows: Grade RR-3 made sandwiches; Grade 4s picked up litter along the canal, which was especially needed due to the extreme rain; Grade 5s chopped and peeled vegetables, to be made into soup; and the Grade 6s visited Pinelands Place where they chatted to their penpals, handed over cards, served tea & biscuits, and several performed their Eisteddfod poems.The soup ingredients, and sandwiches (along with cards of affirmation made by the Grade 4s) were donated to the Callas Foundation and Cape Clubz Charity Network who will distribute the donations to the Kensington Informal Settlement, and the Bridgetown Soup Kitchen. Some comments overheard during the sandwich-making were: “It just looks too yummy!”, “Wish I could taste this!”, and “You can never have too much Peanut Butter!”. 

See what Cannons Creek did in 2023 by clicking here.