On 14 and 15 September 2022, Cannons Creek Primary School proudly presented their whole school production, ‘Growing into Me’. The theme was about personal growth and self discovery. “The theme is close to our hearts, especially after these last few years being unsettling for most. Our hope is to spread a positive message with this theme and also to spark our pupils with new excitement to dream about a brighter future,” said Ms Annique Bester (Primary School Drama Teacher, and Director). The main script was an original piece, written by Ms Bester, with input from other teachers in the form of poems and songs; and the school’s Choir was also pre-recorded and used as some of the soundtrack. A few Pinelands Place Care Centre residents frequented the Dress Rehearsal, and enjoyed seeing their Grade 4 penpals on stage. The Pre-School echoed this sentiment, and are inspired for their Nativity performance later in the year.
“Our previous show was in 2019 and we’ve come a long way since the pandemic – we’re all a little different than we were. I want to remind everyone to never stop growing into yourself, explore who you are as a person, explore your hobbies and things you enjoy since it’s very easy to fall into ‘Survival mode’ and to just get things done, winning awards, achieving things… so we often forget to just enjoy life, enjoy living, and enjoy the things that are actually important to us.” – Ms Bester.The plotline follows a sad, lonely girl who became disheartened by the pressures of life. A group of friends came alongside her, reading her a special book (‘Growing into Me’) that came to life. She goes on a journey to rediscover what makes her who she is. First on her journey, she encounters the Animal Kingdom where she discovers that the animals may look alike but close up they all have different traits and roles in the ecosystem, making them all special in their own way. Next up – a Sheep Dance Party scene complete with dancing sheep, equipped with sunglasses; showing that everyone is unique and different and that no one can fill someone else’s space. A magical garden was the next stop showcasing how gardeners make it their mission to plant different kinds of trees so that they can all contribute something special to make the world a better place. The next chapter displayed various cultures within the South African ‘rainbow nation’ which helped the girl be more confident and proud of who she is. Next along the self-discovery journey was the Talent Jar where she discovered her talents, followed by identifying her own unique combination of attributes which allow the world to be brighter if used for the good. The story culminated in the girl realising that she’s just busy growing into herself, and that it can be a very exciting journey if she chooses for it to be.
“Overall the show was a massive success and everyone involved walked away inspried, realising that we’re all just busy growing into ourselves. I’m really thankful for all the contributions made, and the way the entire staff pulled together to collaborate in making it the success that it was. We’re all beaming with pride as the pupils truly came alive on stage and shined their lights brightly. The feedback from the audience was extremely positive and we’re looking forward to our next show.” – Ms Bester
“I just want to say a huge well done for last night – it was amazing! The topic was so precious: the script, songs, chants, etc all beautifully written and very funny – I loved the realness of it, and how it spoke to young and old alike. All the children acted with such enthusiasm, and the costumes, set and everything looked spectacular. I can only imagine the amount of work that went into it – a big, heartfelt THANK YOU to all involved. What a joy and privilege to be part of a school that can put up a production like this!” – Parent, Jeanette Clarke
“Just blew us away. I got goosebumps and tearful. So so beautiful, and such a lovely feeling of joy and energy and celebration. The kids were central to every scene and it showed in every gleaming little face. Really astounding. And so very special (and in keeping with the theme!) to celebrate all hands involved in making the show, not just those in the actual spotlight. Loved. Every. Minute. And yes, it spoke to us too. Thank you so so much. Blown away.” – Parent, Stanzi Le Roux
“Just wanted to send our congratulations on a fabulous show, we were very impressed this evening. You must have worked your socks off to come up with such a wonderful play, performance and message; especially one that involves the whole school. It was a wonderful evening, and such a beautifully written play. Thank you for all the nurturing and coaching, it’s obvious how much the children flourish under your guiding hand.” – Parent, Jenna Credé
“Wow, wow, wow! The show last night was beyond amazing! I just had to send you a message to commend you and all the staff who were involved in the production. It was probably the best play we’ve watched at Cannons Creek and I especially loved how everyone was represented. Bravo to all of you. Thank you for entertaining us, I look forward to many more!” – Parent, Yumna Rooknodien
“Parents loved it. Fantastic energy and enthusiasm and the theme was brilliant. A huge thank you and congratulations for such a wonderful production.” – Parent, Karen Baker
“I needed that message tonight. Thank you for bringing so much joy. It was an honour to attend. I was truly proud to see that the performing arts is still alive and thriving and that Ms Bester has still nurtured and cultivated the love for the arts. Seeing some of the children that I’ve known since they were five years old still performing with such great soul and gusto – it made me so proud that I teared up with joy.” – Mrs Cassan Ferguson, previous Cannons Creek Primary School Drama teacher
“I think it was very nice because it gave everyone a chance to be part of something. It gives everyone a chance to feel important. I really enjoyed it because we haven’t had one in a long while.” – Grace Clarke, Grade 4
“It was fun! It was nice to perform in front of lots of people. It was a good opportunity for the younger grades to have their first show – it boosted their confidence in acting. It was nice that Ms Bester gave everyone a fair chance with the roles.” – Georgie Credé, Grade 6
“It was really fun. It was great that it was so late at night. It was really fun to engage with all the Cannons Creek people.” – Solana Mohr, Grade 4
“The background was beautiful, the costumes were amazingly designed and the makeup was perfect.” – Kelsey Ingram, Grade 4
“I really liked it. I was nervous. It was a lot of fun. When I saw there were so many people, I thought my tongue was gonna get twisted.” – Ismah Parker, Grade 2
“It was a bit scary at first. The outfit ideas were really cool. The whole storyline was really creative.” – Jean Collier, Grade 4