We were so pleased to recently host our first ‘Teach Your Parent to Code’ workshop for the Intersen Phase parents and pupils. It was well attended, and enjoyed by all, with some insight given into the classroom. Mrs Nivison outlined how the Coding curriculum is being developed at Cannons Creek, consisting of a journey from floor-based robots (Bee-Bots) to Scottie Go; to micro:bits; learning about JavaScript, HTML, and CSS; to flying drones in the High School. Mrs Nivison explained that whilst not everyone will become a coder, everyone should learn to code. Through learning how to work with computers, pupils learn how to think, how to read with understanding, and how to solve problems.
Special thanks goes to our partners in education, Code4Kids, who helped develop a task for the evening where pupils needed to become the teachers and guide their parents to code their first website. If pupils were caught at the mouse or keyboard, they needed to wear the ‘Oven Mitts of Shame’ for two minutes.
Parents were told to “Click and discover!” and soon realised that understanding coding as a language comes from being immersed in the language. A comment overheard from a pupil – “I now know how hard it is to be a teacher!” The developers at Code4Kids will now be judging the websites made, and awarding exciting prizes accordingly for the most customised website.
Thank you to Mrs Nivison as always for being innovative and passionate.
Click here to read more about Technology at Cannons Creek.