
Cannons Creek holds Grade 6 Final Assembly

On 3 December, Cannons Creek Primary School held its Grade 6 Celebration of Growth & Skills event, followed by their Final Assembly where guests were entertained by their Speeches, and Highlights video. Pupils also received their Primary School Leavers’ Certificates. The event was also broken up with various musical performances. Prior to this, as is tradition – our Grade 6s signed each others’ shirts.

An excerpt from Grade 6 teacher, Mrs Marchand’s speech – “I would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to you, parents, for every act of kindness, loving gesture, your unwavering generosity, the great gifts and words of affirmation towards myself and the other teachers. You have helped us to raise and shape these young minds and it truly does take a village. We are thankful for everything you have done for us this year. Grade 6 – This year we have had amazing highs, some lows, drama, excitement, joy, fun, laughter, silliness and lots of hard work. We have enjoyed many wonderful events and adventures together and it has been an absolute pleasure to have been a part of such an integral part of your Primary School life.”

Trophy Winners:

Marais Trophy for Sportsmanship Senior – Jente

Music trophy – Rebecca & Zarah

Trophy for Diligence and Excellence in Art – Dana

Thonissen Trophy for First Position Grade 6 – Luke L

House Points Shield – Lonsdale

Outreach Trophy – Peak

White Trophy for Commitment and Dedication to Outreach – Rebecca

Service Award Trophy – Kendra

Old Mutual Trophy (Principal’s Award) – Rebecca