Cannons Matrics (1)

Cannons Creek celebrates its 2021 Matric Results

Cannons Creek Independent High School is overjoyed at its 2021 Matric Results. The 100% pass rate for the 19th year running (since the school started offering Matric) and 100% Bachelor’s Degree Pass (3rd consecutive year) was achieved. Mr Mike van Haght (High School Principal) commended the class, especially taking into account that while 6853 High Schools wrote the NSC exams in 2021, only 91 schools have achieved a 100% pass rate for the past five years. In an address to the Matrics and their families, Mr van Haght (High School Principal) said, “Well done to the Matrics of 2021. Well done to your parents – they probably sweated more than you did. Well done to your families, thank you to your families for not being able to have the TV on too loud, not being able to do things that a family would normally do ’cause there’s someone writing Matric or studying. The families have made sacrifices, and through a difficult year, COVID-years. 2020 was tough, 2021 was even more tough and yet you made it. To the teachers that ensured this happened, and to the staff who supported the teachers – I want to say a big Thank You for enabling us to maintain these outstanding results.”

Some of the school’s top achievers were Ilhaam Cassiem (8 distinctions – English, Afrikaans, Life Orientation, Accounting, Computer Applications Technology, Mathematics, Physical Sciences and Spanish SAL), Kelsey Hendricks (7 distinctions – English, Afrikaans, Design, Life Orientation, Drama, History, and Maths Literacy), Samantha Nelson (7 distinctions – English, Life Orientation, Drama, History, Life Sciences, Maths Literacy and Visual Arts), and Jamie Hindmarch (6 distinctions – English, Life Orientation, Geography, Life Sciences, Maths, and Physical Sciences). 

Subjects which achieved A averages at Cannons Creek were French (98% average), Visual Art (91% average), Spanish (85% average), Tourism (82% average), Maths Literacy (81% average), History (81% average), and Life Orientation (81% average). The 31 pupils who comprise the Class of 2021 achieved 80 subject distinctions. 37% of all subjects written received an A aggregate. A special congratulations to the three pupils who achieved a full-house of distinctions: Kelsey Hendricks, Ilhaam Cassiem, and Samantha Nelson. The top achievers were Ilhaam Cassiem, Jamie Hindmarch (88.29% aggregate), and Kerry Porrill (86.43%). Click here to see more Matric results. Click here to read more about the WCED 2021 Matric results.

The 2022 plans are diverse for this group with Ilhaam planning on pursuing MBChB at Stellenbosch University, Luke Albertyn studying Software Development at Varsity College, Anesu Mbidzo planning on studying Marketing Management while playing Football at the Sharks Academy in Durban, and  Heon Jun (Joshua) Lee who plans on attending Villanova University in the U.S. to study Dentistry or Bioinformatics.

Some comments from some of the 2021 Matriculants were: 

  • Samantha Nelson (7 distinctions) – “I’ll be taking a gap year in 2022. Tips for this year’s Matrics – study hard and you’ll do well. Also enjoy your year, but not too much, balance it.”
  • Siya Sekohsana (4 distinctions) – “I am very pleased and proud of myself for all my marks as the year was tough. I know my hard work showed in my results.”
  • Kerry Porrill (6 distinctions including IEB AP Maths)  – “Overall, I am happy with my results, especially considering it was rough with COVID-19, and my dog passed away during our exams. I was surprised, but happy that I got an ‘A’ for Life Sciences, as I’ve been working towards this achievement for three years.” 
  • Kelsey Hendricks (7 distinctions) – “I’m happy with my results. I was really worried about my English mark,  but I managed to pull it out of the hat. Even if I didn’t get my seven distinctions, I’d still be proud of myself. My advice to next year’s Matrics – Lean on people who support you because they’ll be there when you feel like you can’t get up and carry on, they’ll be the people that give you the strength to keep going.”