On Friday the 15th of March, the Environmental Portfolio from Cannons Creek Independent School went on an outing to volunteer at the Animal Anti-Cruelty League Cape Town (AACL) in Epping. “When we got there we got split into groups to play with the dogs and cats. All the animals were adorable and everyone shared ‘awws’ and took lots of photos. A group of people helped wash a dog, others helped unpack gifts sent to the AACL while others played with more animals. Everyone had a great time and didn’t want to leave. The afternoon of volunteering and helping out the staff was very successful and we all had a fantastic time.” – Abigail Goldstein and Aidan Cloete, Environmental Prefect Portfolio Heads.
How can YOU help?
1. Make a donation
2. Report animal cruelty
3. Volunteer your time
4. Help with their Wishlist items/projects
5. Buy Crossbow Marketing products
6. Add AACL as a MySchool card beneficiary
7. Leave a legacy in your will, to AACL
Name: Animal Anti-Cruelty League Cape Town
Bank: Standard Bank
Branch: Rondebosch
Account no.: 071465820