
Cannons artists shine at Eisteddfod

“The Cape Town Eisteddfod was established in 1903. It is the most recognized festival in Cape Town and runs every year showcasing talent in five separate categories – Visual Arts, Dancing, Speech and Drama, Music and Creative Writing.” The aim at the Eisteddfod is to promote local art and culture, inspiring people of all ages to learn, progress and pursue their talents in the Arts. Cannons Creek Primary achieved a total of 35 awards – 15 Diploma, 8 High Honours, 5 Honours, 3 High Merit, and 4 Merit. “I have been entering our Art for many years and have always had exceptional results. All entries are adjudicated by professional adjudicators and I am very proud of all our amazing results. We have been told that we have a lot of talented artists at Cannons Creek.” – Mrs Jenny Traviss, Cannons Creek Primary School Art Teacher.

Seen here are the Diploma award-winners, back: Amara Bosch (Grade 4), Helen Gray (Grade 3), Casey Laver (Grade 4), and Leigh Niemantinga (Grade 4).

Middle: Johanne Lee (Grade 6), Emma Shepherd (Grade 3), Jente Zuidgeest (Grade 6), Jean Collier (Grade 3), and Luke Laver (Grade 6).

Front: Sakeena Raciet (Grade 1), Emma Roets (Grade 3), Elyane Katurura (Grade 1), and Maria Stamatiadis (Grade 3).